
Who's Who(7)Brandon Belt(ブランドン•ベルト)

How many splash hits will be belted by belt in his career.


Brandon Belt is a position player of San Francisco Giants deputed in 2011 season. In that season, he posted .225 batting average and 9 home run in 187 at bat. In the following 2012 season, he marked batting average .275 and 7HR in 411 at bat. Though his home run number is not sufficient as a first baseman, he shows considerable power enough to drive his home run into the McCovey Cove. In actually, he has hit three splash hits already. And I associate his compact stroke and quick hitch move with Barry Bonds' hitting mechanics. I think he is a noteworthy hitter in terms of power among recent young hitter.

ブランドン•ベルトは2011年にデビューしたサンフランシスコジャイアンツの野手です。そのシーズン、彼は187打数で打率0.225, 9ホームランを記録しました。続く2012年シーズン、彼は411打数で打率0.275, 7ホームランを記録しました。彼のホームラン数は一塁手としては充分ではありませんが、彼はホームランをマッコビー湾に打ち込む程の相当なパワーを見せます。実際、彼は既に3本のスプラッシュ•ヒットを記録しています。そして、私は彼のコンパクトなストロークと素早いヒッチからバリー•ボンズの打撃フォームを連想します。私が思うには、彼は最近の若い打者の間では注目に値する打者です。


First of all, let us watch his power swing in following movies.

His hitting mechanics can be regarded as a puncher type and he uses two step motion basically. He uses open stance and steps inside at the first step. In this point, he gets the square stance and he started his hitting mechanics from there. In the latter part of this movie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2CE5Tj1dU8&feature=plcp), slow-motion-side-view of his hitting mechanics can be seen from starting position of his hitting mechanics.




Although it is not an ideal way which can be recommended to all players, open stance is the source of his great power. Almost all of open stance hitters including Brandon Belt set their shoulder parallel to home plate and it means they inevitably make a twist between their upper body and lower body. In more detail, that twist is formed along with oblique line of back-leg-hip-joint like back swing of golf swing. As a result of this twist, back-leg-hip-joint increasingly makes hip-joint-open (figure1) and it enables using the power of back-leg effectively. So let us watch this video's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2CE5Tj1dU8&feature=plcp) slow-motion-side-view again. His back leg is shifting from hip-joint-open to hip-joint-close and it produces the quick hip rotation. (figure2) This is the first effect of his open stance.


それは全ての打者に奨められる方法ではありませんが、オープンスタンスは彼の偉大なパワーの源です。ブランドン•ベルトを含むほとんど全てのオープンスタンスの打者は、彼らの肩をホームプレートと平行にセットしますが、それは必然的に彼らの上半身と下半身の間に捻りが入る事を意味します。もう少し詳しく言うと、その捻りはゴルフのバックスイングのように後ろ脚股関節の斜めのラインに沿って形成されます。この捻りの結果として、後ろ脚股関節はますます割れる(図1)ので、後ろ脚の力を有効に使えるようになります。それでは、この動画の横映しスローモーション(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2CE5Tj1dU8&feature=plcp) を再び見てみましょう。彼の後ろ脚は股関節の「割れ」から「絞り」に移行し、それは素早い腰の回転を生み出しています。(図2)これが彼のオープンスタンスの効果、その1です。


The second effect of his open stance can be understood by imitating it actually. So let you take an open stance and twist your shoulder until it comes parallel to the home plate. And then, looking down your back leg, it should make hip-joint-open and your knee should be positioned on your side more than toe. This is very important and you should not stick your knee out in front of toe.(figure3, figure4)  If your knee is sticked out in front of toe, quadriceps-femoris-muscle will get hard by fatigue. As a result, you will be unable to use hamstrings effectively. 

Then, let us watch this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xSDKP-lmHk&feature=plcp) paying attention to belt's back leg. At the batting stance, his knee of back leg is positioned on his side more than toe (behind the toe). (figure5) But as he lands his front leg's toe at the first step, his knee is sticked out in front of toe. (figure5) Of course, though that is not a good move as mentioned above, because of he had kept his knee behind the toe at the batting stance, quadriceps-femoris-muscle can enough keep relaxing. So, he can use the power of back leg due to the contraction of hamstrings. This is the second effect of his open stance.



彼のオープンスタンスの二つ目のメリットは、実際にそれを真似てみる事で理解できます。それでは、オープンスタンスで構え、肩をホームプレートと平行になるまで捻りましょう。そして、その時、あなたの後ろ脚を見下ろすと、股関節の割れが形成されており、膝は爪先より身体側に位置されているはずです。これは非常に重要な事で、あなたは膝を爪先より前に突き出すべきではありません。(図3, 図4)もし、あなたの膝が爪先より突き出されていれば、大腿四頭筋が疲労により緊張するでしょう。結果的に、あなたはハムストリングスの力を効果的に使えなくなるでしょう。



By the way, watching this video's front-view-slow-motion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7C_7tFAAl4&feature=plcp), it can be sighted that his hip (belt-line) is pushed up while taking a stride. It is a little bit of strange because belt-line should come down in the stride by increasing of breadth between both feet. In fact, that is an evidence of effectively using the power of hip joint extension. That is, his hip is pushed up by the ground reaction force due to pushing the ground by hip joint extension and same motion can also be sean among some of other players. Let me give some examples below.

Billy Butler (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBIQ97NAroQ&feature=plcp)
David Wright (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL92mu3dZYo&feature=plcp)
Sean Rodriguez (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJLuaz61Ofg&feature=plcp)