Chapter9 ~"Hit hard" is not just a spell~
The word "hit hard" is not just a spell if you are a puncher-type hitter. Rather, it's a scientific cue that has significant meaning in that mechanics.
Remember chapter7. Puncher-type's mechanics starts up with the lower half in APA and the upper half in PMSP like figure1.
figure1: start-up position

There is a scientifically proven fact that PMPS and APA work to the fullest extent when you try to generate the maximum power. More specifically, when you are to generate 50% of the power, the upper half only can relax 50% and the lower half only can work 50% ーsee figure2.
figure2: APA, PMSP, and consciousness (intention) are in a proportional relationship.

As I wrote in chapter7(figure3), both of the strongly working lower half and the fully relaxing upper half are essential to form a sufficient separation, which enable you to create the best possible swing velocity.
figure3: APA and PMSP contribute to the separation.

For the reason mentioned above, trying to generate your maximum power is essentially important in the puncher-type mechanics, and the word "hit hard" can function as a cue for it.
Although I don't say you have to always put 100% effort into every swing, around 90% of effort is must to keep your mechanics in good shape.
In the last of this chapter, I want to give two important tips for puncher-type hitters.
1) making a stable start-up position
2) hit hard!
That's all. Simpleness is one of the strong points of puncher-type mechanics.
The word "hit hard" is not just a spell if you are a puncher-type hitter. Rather, it's a scientific cue that has significant meaning in that mechanics.
Remember chapter7. Puncher-type's mechanics starts up with the lower half in APA and the upper half in PMSP like figure1.
figure1: start-up position

There is a scientifically proven fact that PMPS and APA work to the fullest extent when you try to generate the maximum power. More specifically, when you are to generate 50% of the power, the upper half only can relax 50% and the lower half only can work 50% ーsee figure2.
figure2: APA, PMSP, and consciousness (intention) are in a proportional relationship.

As I wrote in chapter7(figure3), both of the strongly working lower half and the fully relaxing upper half are essential to form a sufficient separation, which enable you to create the best possible swing velocity.
figure3: APA and PMSP contribute to the separation.

For the reason mentioned above, trying to generate your maximum power is essentially important in the puncher-type mechanics, and the word "hit hard" can function as a cue for it.
Although I don't say you have to always put 100% effort into every swing, around 90% of effort is must to keep your mechanics in good shape.
In the last of this chapter, I want to give two important tips for puncher-type hitters.
1) making a stable start-up position
2) hit hard!
That's all. Simpleness is one of the strong points of puncher-type mechanics.